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JUnit Helper Derby Utils is a set of classes that aid in building and writing unit tests of database code using Apache Derby embedded database. It has been developed, tested and used with unit tests built on JUnit only; it might work with other testing frameworks, but no claim to such usability is implied. It does not aim to be a general purpose database utility as well.

Dependency Info

See the Dependency Info page to add this project as a dependency to your project; if the use of this library is limited to unit testing only, then add the dependency to the test scope only. You may have to add the required Distribution Repository for resolution.

Also see the Project Dependencies for dependencies that come with this project, you may want to exclude some of them to avoid version conflicts if your project has some of those dependencies as well.

Basic Workflow

When unit testing a piece of JDBC code, the steps would be:

  1. Configure and start an in-memory instance of Derby
  2. Set up the tables and test data in the instance
  3. Run your tests
  4. Shut down the database and run cleanup

Hello World

A small sample test:

public class SimpleDerbyTest {
	private TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
	private EmbeddedDerbyResource embeddedDerbyResource =
		new EmbeddedDerbyResource(DerbyResourceConfig.buildDefault()
	public RuleChain derbyRuleChain = RuleChain.outerRule(tempFolder).around(embeddedDerbyResource);

	public void test () throws SQLException {
		final String jdbcUrl = embeddedDerbyResource.getJdbcUrl();
		Connection connection = null;
		Statement stmt = null;
		ResultSet rs = null;

		try {
			connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl);
			// Check a value
			stmt = connection.createStatement();
			rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1 FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1");
		} finally {
			// Close resources

The Derby instance is wrapped inside the EmbeddedDerbyResource instance, and it has convenience methods to access the runtime values from the instance (see EmbeddedDerbyResource Javadocs for more information on available methods). The instance can be configured using the DerbyResourceConfig instance, which provides a Fluent Interface to configure runtime parameters (see javadocs for API information). See the Configuration Options documentation to see available configurations.

Derby Instances

An Embedded Derby instance can be started and stopped using the EmbeddedDerbyResource#start() and EmbeddedDerbyResource#close() methods. Users are free to initialize and manage instances on their own (also read about Concurrency when attempting to run multiple concurrent instances of Derby).

If the user wants to control the instance and possibly share it across multiple test classes or want more control over the running instance.

Using JUnit Rules

The EmbeddedDerbyResource does extend JUnit ExternalResource so can be used as a JUnit Rules. In that case, JUnit test runners will automatically instantiate the external resource and handle shutting down the instance after the execution of the test (using the EmbeddedDerbyResource#before() and EmbeddedDerbyResource#after() methods which in turn use the EmbeddedDerbyResource#start() and EmbeddedDerbyResource#close() methods respectively).

Derby needs a directory as the derby.system.home which can be either a directory that the user code supplies, a Java temporary directory or JUnit TemporaryFolder Rule (more at Database Directory). If the TemporaryFolder Rule is used as well as the EmbeddedDerbyResource as a JUnit Rule, then the two need to be chained together using a RuleChain to tie the #before() and #after() methods in order. The following sample shows a sample use:

private TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
private EmbeddedDerbyResource embeddedDerbyResource =
	new EmbeddedDerbyResource(DerbyResourceConfig.buildDefault(), tempFolder);

public RuleChain derbyRuleChain = RuleChain.outerRule(tempFolder).around(embeddedDerbyResource);

EmbeddedDerbyResource state

The EmbeddedDerbyResource maintains an internal state which is set to active only between an invocation of #before() / #start() and #after() / #close(). Invoking methods to access the instance, including #getJdbcUrl(), #createConnection(), #backupLiveDatabase() while the database is not active will cause the resource to throw an IllegalStateException. Invoking #before() / #start() while the instance is active has no effect; similarly invoking #after() / #close() when the instance is not active has no effect.

The current active state of the resource can be checked using the #isActive() method.

Application Logging

Derby JUnit Helper uses Log4j2 API for the little bit of logging it sends. It does not have a default log configuration with the distribution, neither does it come with a runtime logger. Users are free to provide their own configuration and runtime logger as a dependency; or live with no logging and a 2 line Log4j warning on each JVM run.

Common Errors

A few common errors to look out for

No suitable driver found

The most common cause of the following exception is that the EmbeddedDerbyResource is not started. If the resource is configured as a Junit Rule make sure the correct annotation (@Rule) and runner are in use. Otherwise, make sure EmbeddedDerbyResource#start() has been invoked.

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:...
	at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:596)
	at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:233)

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Version: 1.0-alpha.1-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 21 Dec 2016.

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